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Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race
2010 Race Report: The Moderately Famished Caterpillar

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The Moderately Famished Caterpillar

The Moderately Famished Caterpillar, another 6-pilot giant caterpillar sculpture with an umbrella on the front, this one bearing blue wings, purple antennae, cheerful gravity-roll eyes, and a pointy red nose.

The chassis consisted of 6 loosely connected bicycles, and the racers made no attempt to ride through the mud and sand. Instead, they dismounted and walked their bikes through.

This is the fourth entry from the spirited team that created 2009’s Hot Beef Injection, 2008’s It’s Ben Hur, Hon and 2007’s Acme Kinetic Sculpture.

At the water entry, they inflated a large emergency raft into which they all clambered. This would have met even the ACE rules had they brought all their bicycles and everything else along.

At the end of the race they sailed across the finish line with wings flapping.

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  1. Champion Candy Haus
  2. Go Ask Alice
  3. Los Baltimuertos
  4. Chessie
  5. Anemone Antics
  7. Heavy Metal
  8. The Creature from the Landsdowne Lagoon
  9. The Moderately Famished Caterpillar
  1. Going to Hell
  2. Safari Attack
  3. Scrum Roll Racer
  4. Mobile Media
  5. Jemicy’s Veke Versa Boat, Squid Man, Kraken, Cabrena Octopus & Calamari
  6. T-Wrecks
  7. Got Milk
  8. Carver Cobra II
  1. Twitter Jay & the Recyclists
  2. Big Bamboo
  3. AVAM’s Fifi Joins the Circus, Bumpo the Circus Elephant, Circus Rat, and Frog
  4. The Boatercycle
  5. Volunteers
  6. Spectators
  7. The Team
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The Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race is sponsored and run by the American Visionary Art Museum. is the volunteer work of Tom Jones.
If you have suggestions about making this site better, or questions, e-mail Tom at